Indirect methods of introducing meat to your baby

 If you are a mother for the first time, surely many questions have crossed your mind about feeding your baby, such as: Is meat good for infants at this age or harmful? And when to introduce meat to infants? Of course, you may face some difficulties in the beginning, such as your child rejecting the taste of meat as a new experience for him.

What tricks can you use to overcome this? How can you introduce meat indirectly to your child’s food so that he accepts it? And if the infant does not accept meat, what are the alternative?

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Indirect methods of introducing meat to your baby 2

Many pediatricians in the United States have recommended the importance of infants eating beef and proteins, and it is best to provide them to the child at the age of 8-10 months, because the iron stores, which have accumulated inside the child during pregnancy, begin to decrease after the sixth or seventh month, so sources must be introduced. Other iron in baby’s meals.

Meat is one of the best sources of protein, zinc and iron, which is essential for growing children , and beef is rich in protein, calcium and folic acid.

Foods offered to the child should be soft and easy to chew, and served crumbled or cut into small pieces and mashed or chopped, because children of this age cannot chew food effectively, and salt should not be added to food if the child is less than a year old.


  • Remove the fat and skin, then cook or boil the meat, and chop or chop it up into very small pieces, if your child can chew it.

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