We talked previously about the diet after natural birth , so is it different from if the mother gave birth by caesarean section? It is natural for a woman to try to regain her figure after childbirth, but the main problem is how to adhere to a proper diet that gives her proper nutrition to compensate for childbirth and blood loss during surgery, as well as what gives her health during the breastfeeding period. In this article, we will offer you the best diet after cesarean delivery and other tips for proper nutrition. 

Best diet after cesarean delivery

The best types of diets are those rich in proteins, vitamins, fiber, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fat. It is the common factor between this and natural childbirth, but the woman who will give birth by cesarean section has a strong commitment to taking a proportion of iron to face the surgery. Here is the best diet after cesarean delivery: 

  • Breakfast: (between seven and nine in the morning)
  1. The first, third, fifth and seventh day: a cup of warm milk, sweetened with a spoon of molasses – a brown loaf with two eggs and two spoons of beans – a large fruit or two medium fruits (make sure that the apple, banana or dry apricot is one of them).
  2. The second, fourth and sixth days: Seven dates with a cup of yogurt or yoghurt.
  • In-between 1: (2 hours after breakfast)
  1. Day 1, 3 and 5: Handful of nuts (preferably unsalted, unshelled almonds, cashews or unsalted peanuts).
  1. Day 2, 4 and 6: 3 fruits.
  2. Day 7: A large glass of fresh juice.
  3. One or more days a week, eat a small sandwich of grilled liver or grilled artichoke.  
  • Lunch: (between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.)
  1. A large plate of assorted green salad – a large cup of soup (regular soup, onion soup or tomato and stay away from cream soup).
  2. A quarter of a chicken or two pieces of meat or a large grilled fish (don’t forget the liver because of the high iron content in it, let it be grilled).
  3. A cooked vegetable dish (types of broccoli, carrots, potatoes, beans, peas, artichokes, etc.) with 5 tablespoons of rice or a small brown loaf or 5 tablespoons of pasta or a piece of pasta with bechamel.
  • Intercourse 2: (between four and six)
  1. Day 1, 3 and 5: A carrot with half a capuchi lettuce and a cup of yogurt.
  2. The second, fourth and sixth days: A salad plate with a large piece of Quraish cheese.
  3. Seventh day: Cut 3 dried apricots with a cup of yoghurt without adding sugar.
  4. One or more days a week, eat two bananas with one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and a large glass of yoghurt.
  • Dinner: (between seven and nine in the evening)
  1. Days 1, 3 and 6: An omelette with a very small piece of butter, a plate of salad, half a loaf, and a glass of yoghurt
  2. The second, fourth and sixth days: two pieces of cheese with a plate of salad and half a loaf.
  3. Seventh day: 3 fruits (apple, banana, berries or dried apricots) and two cups of yogurt or a cup of mulberries.

Tips for proper nutrition after cesarean delivery

These are general health tips for every woman after childbirth, especially cesarean delivery:

  1. Drink more than two and a half liters of water, especially when breastfeeding.
  2. Eat more milk and soft drinks such as herbs, talbeenah, cocoa, and other natural drinks such as ginger with milk, cinnamon with yogurt, and winter drinks such as sahlab are important, but you should  reduce sugars and use skimmed milk. (You should also reduce the amount of cinnamon immediately after childbirth, especially if you suffer from heavy bleeding, and leave it after three weeks of childbirth) and increase the intake of dairy to compensate for the loss of calcium.
  3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables between meals and when you feel hungry, and eat more apples and artichokes, all that are high in iron to compensate for the loss of blood.
  4. Sleep for an appropriate amount of time and take every opportunity your baby sleeps to sleep next to him.
  5. Do ten minutes of exercise in the first two weeks after birth, and increase in the third and fourth weeks to become 20 minutes a day.
  6. In the second month after birth, exercise for half an hour daily
  7. In the third month after giving birth, do it for 40 minutes and do it all the time (you can split it up).

Abdominal slimming exercises after caesarean section

Exercises to get rid of the rumen and abdomen that you suffer from a caesarean birth

  1. One of the best aids is walking or practicing any kind of sport. As for the post-cesarean delivery, after the wound has completely healed, all kinds of abdominal exercises should be practiced to get rid of the rumen.
  2. If you do not have a health problem, breastfeed your child naturally, as it helps to reduce belly fat, and do not listen to the advice of eating mugat and halva to generate milk, and increase milk diuretics, especially water, as you can take the ring or any herbal drinks.
  3. You are allowed to eat one meal per week in which you can eat out, such as pizza and other high-fat foods, and if you have to eat out again, it should be grilled, and it will be for lunch or early dinner. Do not take it right before bed.
  4. You can eat a piece of cake, chocolate, halawa or jam once a week and have it at breakfast for easy burning.
  5. You can have tea and coffee as you like, with the advice to reduce them, because they appear in the milk and pass to the little one.

There are several basic foods to be sure to eat after giving birth: 

  • Apples, artichokes, bananas, grilled liver (to avoid eating fat), sesame, shrimp, dark chocolate (small square per day), lentils, dry apricots (don’t eat more than 3 per day), almonds (no salt and no roasting), spinach.
  • It is preferable that these are the foods that quench your hunger between meals, starting from the eighth month through the ninth until after birth.

In conclusion, after we have provided you with the best diet after cesarean delivery, try this diet and general tips that we have provided, and share your opinion and personal experience, and enjoy a healthy period after your birth.

The stage of childbirth and its aftermath is one of the stages in which a woman needs the most support, especially if she is a mother for the first time, so owenround24 is keen to provide all the advice you need to pass this stage safely, get to know her in childbirth.

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